Uncovering the DNA of a place
Urban Revitalization and Landscape Analysis
For every good strategy there’s an indepth analysis of a place’s DNA, what makes it tick, what makes it exceptional, and what makes people want to belong to it. We look at revitalization strategies as complex initiatives that need to be grounded in what exists to be able to imagine what comes next.
Urban renewal
It all begins with understanding why a place exists. Research the history, discover the stories, study the character, figure out what makes a place distinctive. Distill that into a method that reveals the DNA. Use that DNA to guide the change. No simple solutions, no siloed analysis, no magic bullet. Instead, strategies that identify the right levers to activate change through culture, arts, business, the environment, design, planning, everything that makes a city a vibrant living body.
Heritage and sustainability
Our future needs us to pay attention to what we waste. Buildings are embodied carbon, they are potential housing solutions, innovative business spaces. Our collective needs are such that we are hard-pressed to ignore what we have for what it has to offer. Historic environments are existing environments that have value and potential. Our strategies help unlock this by re-imagining the policies that are obstacles to reuse, rehabilitation, retrofits. New ideas by using the old.
Modern Heritage Inventory
Modern heritage reflects a pivotal era of innovation, creativity, and transformation in our built environment. These structures, often overlooked, hold stories of societal change and urban evolution. At Cultural Spaces, we see modern heritage as an opportunity to connect past ingenuity with future possibilities. Through projects like heritage inventories and assessments, we help communities recognize the value of these spaces and explore creative strategies for their preservation, adaptation, and reuse—ensuring they remain meaningful contributors to our urban landscapes.
Architectural and urban planning
Our future cities call for thoughtful transformation. The Canardière neighborhoods in Québec City are rich with identity and potential, shaped by their historic architecture and urban character. Through community-driven ideas—pedestrian and cycling spaces, greener streets, vibrant public areas, and coastal renewal—we see a path forward. By integrating innovation with what already exists, our strategies uncover new possibilities for sustainable growth while respecting the past. Reimagining tomorrow by building on today.
Transitioning landscapes
What was once useful may no longer be relevant today but still is significant for a community. A golf course is now a much needed green space. A parkette is activated as a permanent stage for cultural events. An industrial landscape is a tourism destination. What these projects have in common is a vision of continuity of relevance through changing functions.