Real property and urban policies

Deciding on a course of action for change, requires thinking about the principles, the rules, the guidelines, and the standards that frame the decision. Our experience helps deliver on practical, pragmatic policies that are grounded in understanding the why and the how change will be managed.

Real property management

Disposing of older assets and managing historic properties come with a level of complexity because they often have value and it matters to someone. Disposal strategies, best efforts to repurpose them, efficient maintenance programmes, present challenges when factoring in the less tangible aspects of buildings, like meaning and uses.

Culture and heritage policies

The policies that guide the handling of culture and heritage find their roots in international guiding documents like charters and conventions. They serve as standardized guiding posts for what is professionally and ethically acceptable.

To develop policies that are relevant, it is important to analyse their social, economic and cultural context. Then, to get to a level of impact that changes things, it is equally important to engage those who make decisions and will be affected by them. The objective is to guide change that reflects the needs and character of the communities.


Institutional Rehabilitation Strategies


Urban Revitalization and Landscape Analysis