An old place is just a new place waiting to happen.
Rehabilitation strategies
Rehabilitating buildings, big or small, is a path to stronger communities, less waste, and innovation. The creativity required to re-imagine familiar places with a new purpose is the result of understanding the nature of these buildings, their history, and reconcile that with the needs of today.
Our strategies go beyond the technical skills required to design physical changes to a building. They focus on researching the meaning and structure of buildings, analyzing the economic and social context, and coming up with pragmatic and inspiring options. It’s about thinking differently and sustainably.

Douglas Mental Health Institute, Montreal (Québec) - Heritage analysis and conservation guidelines

Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal (Québec) - Heritage analysis and conservation guidelines

Confederation Heights, Ottawa (Ontario) - Heritage Analysis and Feasibility Study
Rideau Regional Centre, Smiths Falls (Ontario) - Conservation Management Plan